Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Worship God Through Uncertainty, Disappointment...Even Pain, Really?

Worship God in the misery I am going through!? Yep.
Are you serious? Yep.
How do I worship at a time like this? Decide in faith.
You have no idea how hard things are for me!  Oh but God does.
Hebrews 11:6 reminds us, "But without faith it is impossible to please (or worship) Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him."
Do we believe God is present when we pray?  
Do we believe God will 'reward' us for worshiping/seeking Him?
Do we diligently seek Him?
We have great examples from the lives of God's people who went before us. In studying their stories from the Bible and books written about them, these ordinary people (like us) used their faith - 'the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen'.  (Hebrews 11:1)
Remember these?
- When Abraham was told to offer up his only son Isaac on a mountain in Moriah as the sacrifice to God? His response?  He gave God his faith-filled obedience, an offering of praise! (See Genesis 22:1-10) How do we respond to God today when He requires us to remove everything that stands between us and Him?

- When Joseph, beloved son of Jacob was persecuted and taken by his kin, sold into slavery only to be raised up, and falsely accused by someone filled with deceit and lust. His response?  He worshiped God by rejecting sintrusting God's defense, and humbly surrendering his way to God. (See Genesis 39: 1-23)  How do we respond to God when we are wrongly persecuted, falsely accused, or oppressed by others?

- When Hannah deeply wanted a child, but was unable to have one...imagine her pain!  In the midst of great heaviness, shame and sadness. Her response? She worshiped God by pouring out her heart, then in faith promised her (yet unborn) son to His continual service. (See 1Samuel 1:9-11)  How do we respond to God when we're tormented, when we don't have what we really wantor we lose something precious?
 Father in Jesus' name we ask You to help us to seek You first when we face the
challenges of life.  Help us when it is so hard to have faith, when we continue in fear and doubt after prayer. Help us to quickly turn our hearts toward You in faith and give You our cares - as You ask.    Put a song in our spirit, that we may worship you in the midst of hardship and trial. We cannot do this without the help of Your Holy Spirit, help us Lord. Thank You for hearing and answering our prayer. Amen.
From where does this faith come? How can I have it?  I'm so glad you asked...
In Part 2 of our study, "Worshiping God Through Our Wilderness", we'll examine verses from the Bible, which apply to our lives today, to further explore why worship is SO essential.
Thanks for checking us out, it is so wonderful to hear this blog is blessing you!  Feel free to send this to anyone you think will be blessed by our study and prayer together - just click on the envelope link below.
Always praying for you,

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Let's Offer a Prayer of Praise

Dear Father, 
in Jesus' name we come 
with humble thanks and praise for You, 
for who You are....
You are true in all that You say in Your Word; 
You are in all ways holy - always;
You are sovereign in every life - surrendered and not.
We worship You dearest, wonderful CounselorHealer, Comforter
enduring Peacemaker, defending Victor!
You are Oh God, 
faithful to us in every way.

We worship and praise You Father today for 
our many unknown answers, misunderstood events,
unexpected outcomes in our lives and those we love, and
the unseen and behind-the-scenes miracles and interceptions.

Thank You that You do know the answers, 
You do have the full understanding of all things, 
You are never caught unaware, never unexpectedly, as we are.
You already know what we and our loved ones 
must experience in this life,
to become vessels for Your honor and glory - thank You.

Thank You Father God for loving us so much, 
to do all that You do each moment in us, 
through us, around us...all, for us. 
We honestly want to bring glory to Jesus now 
and when this life is over. 

Help us Holy Spirit, that we may be faithful 
to put on our God-given armor, 
to hear, to study and to live the God-given Word.
To fully believe what Your Word promises 
as these attacks come against us.
You are so worthy of our praise and adoration, 
today we give it to You.

In advance of each answer, blessed breakthrough, 
healing and/or deliverance that we've asked You for, 
we offer our love and praise now Jesus
In Your precious name we trust, we praise and we pray. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

"Perfect Love Casts Out Fear"

I was awakened to these powerful words a few days ago.  Strongly, they were impressed on my spirit.  'Daughter,"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love."' (1John 4:18 KJV)

This fear had begun to take hold, while listening to a person handling Malakhi's case - a day ago. I'd begun to pull to my bosom what he was saying. This allowed fear and doubt to cloud my thoughts and brought with it a heaviness.  I went on to bed carrying that heaviness, with uncertainty about the future and fear of what might happen with Malakhi.

By these words, in a most loving and strengthening way, I was being reprimanded and reminded, that Father's Love is perfect, and the fear that I was (we are) carrying was not apart of His Love or His plan for me (or any of us).  My response was in full agreement, as I affirmed and repeated the Holy Spirit's words, "Perfect love casts out fear".   

The Lord's love would not allow fear's torment to remain. "Perfect love casts out fear" - was carried on and on in my spirit throughout the day. I repented and in faith asked the Lord to take away the fear, laid at His feet. 

The Bible teaches, Jesus gave His perfect Life for us by His perfect Love, while we were yet sinners - hopeless and in desperate need of His salvation. Everyday, because of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we have the victory over fear, over sin, over satan (the deceiver of the brethren). 

Beloved, fear can take hold before we realize it has us.  Whatever you may be in fear about today...please know, Father God loves you. Reject fear, repent of it, then give it to Jesus.  Choose to allow His perfect love to abound, it is peaceful, full of power and grace, sufficient for all our needs. 

God's love for His children is perfect, and there is no love greater than Jesus' love. "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friend"(John 15:13 KJV)

What joy, hope and strength would have upheld me, if I'd held more firmly to Zechariah 2:10: "Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion, for lo, I come, and I dwell in the midst of thee, saith the Lord.", the verse Father gave me the day this crisis all began!  Beloved, I send along this verse to remind you - that Father is in the midst of you - rejoice and sing, don't allow fear! 

Please write and let me know how to pray with you. It would be a true privilege to stand with you. My email address is Christnyou@gmail.com.  May God bless and keep you firmly in Himself. 
Always praying for you,

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Seasoned With SALT...a Divinely-Timed Read

"He went in alone and shut the door behind him                and prayed to the LORD." 2 Kings 4:33

Had an blessed opportunity to read a great book yesterday, "Seasoned with SALT - Lessons from Elisha", by David Roper
Over the years, I've deeply admired the faith and service of many saints in the Old Testament. The prophets Elijah and Elisha stand out, along with beloved Job, Joseph, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah and Esther - as personal heroes for their devotion to God and reckless faithfulness.

To read about Elijah's life and exploits for God, see 1Kings 17:1-2King 2:18

This book is based on Elisha, son of Shaphat of Abel-meholah, chosen by God to assist and succeed Elijah, as prophet of Israel. Elisha became known as the 'miracle prophet', used mightily to point back to God, the idol-serving and rebellious people of his day. 

A synopsis of some important lessons I've learned from Elisha's life are:
> make an uncompromising decision to follow God.
> attentively obey directions given by God, this brings personal knowledge of Him.
> being a devoted servant/disciple is crucial to becoming a great leader.
> ask/desire to do greater works for God - it's OK to ask Father for this!
> even in the darkest of times, Father will have a faithful, courageous remnant to proclaim His truth.
> great and wondrous things happen, when we 'go in alone, shut the door and pray to the Lord'. 

To read more of Elisha's life and ministry, see 2King 2:19-2Kings 13:20

We'd cherish the opportunity to stand in faith by prayer for you, for whatever situation you're facing.  You are not alone, but deeply loved and cared for by our Lord Jesus. Thanks for checking us out, feel free to leave any questions or comments below - would really love to hear from you!  

Always praying for you,

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Planted to Produce... A 'Plentiful Harvest' for Jesus

"I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies,

it remains alone.

But its death will produce...

many new kernels-
a plentiful harvest of new lives." John 12:24

Heavenly Father, it is our hearts desire to be planted in the soil of Your grace.
Jesus, willingly You gave Your life for our sins, in full obedience to our Father. 
You planted Your life, that we could receive the eternal gift of salvation. 
You gave Your Word, for us to learn by it, 
to daily grow in it, possess it, and live by it... 
then to teach our children; thank You.
Lord, if one life can produce a harvest for You, 
I give it to You entirely. 
Willingly to my flesh - I die.
Thank You for Your grace, Your life & Your salvation.
The least I can plant for Your glory is this  
humble but grateful 
kernel of wheat.
That the harvest of new lives may give You 
the glory alone due Your Name.
In the Blessed name of Jesus. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lord, we will lift up our eyes....

This, my most favorite life scripture/prayer, was imprinted forever in my heart in October 1974; when I met the Person of the Holy Spirit personally during a very difficult circumstance in my life.  Having found over the many years since, that when facing a seemingly insurmountable mountain...I have but to turn my spirit and faith toward the strengthening truth of Psalm 121 (KJV):
"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.  My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.  He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: He that keepeth thee will not slumber.  Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.  The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.  The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: He shall preserve thy soul. The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore."
This chapter has kept me through some of the darkest and harshest steps of the journey. I love what the chapter theme in the New Living Translation Bible says, "We can depend upon God for help. Pilgrims must travel through lonely country to their destination; they are protected, not by anything created, but by the Creator of everything." <Page 978>
It is my prayer today, that we will all look unto God for help, and find that He is all we'll ever need.  God 
bless and keep you strong and encouraged today and always. 
**A beautiful song video here to bless you by Whitney Houston, entitled "I Look to You", sung by Kim Burrell & Whitney.  Hope you Enjoy!

Praying for you,
Photo (c)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I'm Malakhi...can you pray with my Mimi for me?

Hello Friend,
You may not know me, but chances are you do know my Mimi (Theresa).  Though I am smiling here, I need your prayers now.  You see, I am in the hospital in New Jersey fighting for my life...well actually Jesus is fighting for me, and He will heal me soon.  Your prayers make all the difference...Father God is listening, and my Mimi and family appreciate all of you who have and will commit to pray for me.  My birthday is February 5th, I will be just two years old. While you are praying, please also pray for my Mommy...she needs Jesus to help her too. Thank you very, very much!

Friends and Family:
I will be heading to NJ this week for a court hearing and request your prayers that I will be able to see and hold Malakhi while there, especially on his birthday, this Saturday. Thank you for your recent calls, texts, visits and especially your prayers. Feel free to send this to your small group members and/or ministry partners, for their prayers too, thanks.

Let me know how we can pray for you. Come back soon - would love to hear from you!

Praying for you always,