Thursday, February 17, 2011

"Perfect Love Casts Out Fear"

I was awakened to these powerful words a few days ago.  Strongly, they were impressed on my spirit.  'Daughter,"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love."' (1John 4:18 KJV)

This fear had begun to take hold, while listening to a person handling Malakhi's case - a day ago. I'd begun to pull to my bosom what he was saying. This allowed fear and doubt to cloud my thoughts and brought with it a heaviness.  I went on to bed carrying that heaviness, with uncertainty about the future and fear of what might happen with Malakhi.

By these words, in a most loving and strengthening way, I was being reprimanded and reminded, that Father's Love is perfect, and the fear that I was (we are) carrying was not apart of His Love or His plan for me (or any of us).  My response was in full agreement, as I affirmed and repeated the Holy Spirit's words, "Perfect love casts out fear".   

The Lord's love would not allow fear's torment to remain. "Perfect love casts out fear" - was carried on and on in my spirit throughout the day. I repented and in faith asked the Lord to take away the fear, laid at His feet. 

The Bible teaches, Jesus gave His perfect Life for us by His perfect Love, while we were yet sinners - hopeless and in desperate need of His salvation. Everyday, because of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we have the victory over fear, over sin, over satan (the deceiver of the brethren). 

Beloved, fear can take hold before we realize it has us.  Whatever you may be in fear about today...please know, Father God loves you. Reject fear, repent of it, then give it to Jesus.  Choose to allow His perfect love to abound, it is peaceful, full of power and grace, sufficient for all our needs. 

God's love for His children is perfect, and there is no love greater than Jesus' love. "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friend"(John 15:13 KJV)

What joy, hope and strength would have upheld me, if I'd held more firmly to Zechariah 2:10: "Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion, for lo, I come, and I dwell in the midst of thee, saith the Lord.", the verse Father gave me the day this crisis all began!  Beloved, I send along this verse to remind you - that Father is in the midst of you - rejoice and sing, don't allow fear! 

Please write and let me know how to pray with you. It would be a true privilege to stand with you. My email address is  May God bless and keep you firmly in Himself. 
Always praying for you,