Thursday, February 10, 2011

Planted to Produce... A 'Plentiful Harvest' for Jesus

"I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies,

it remains alone.

But its death will produce...

many new kernels-
a plentiful harvest of new lives." John 12:24

Heavenly Father, it is our hearts desire to be planted in the soil of Your grace.
Jesus, willingly You gave Your life for our sins, in full obedience to our Father. 
You planted Your life, that we could receive the eternal gift of salvation. 
You gave Your Word, for us to learn by it, 
to daily grow in it, possess it, and live by it... 
then to teach our children; thank You.
Lord, if one life can produce a harvest for You, 
I give it to You entirely. 
Willingly to my flesh - I die.
Thank You for Your grace, Your life & Your salvation.
The least I can plant for Your glory is this  
humble but grateful 
kernel of wheat.
That the harvest of new lives may give You 
the glory alone due Your Name.
In the Blessed name of Jesus. 