Thursday, March 3, 2011

Worshiping God Through Our Wilderness, Part 2

(Welcome! For Part 1 of our study, you may reference the February 23rd 2011 post.)
Where does this faith come from? 
Romans 10:17 teaches us, "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God".
Our faith comes as we hear (and study) the Word of God. The more often we read, hearand speak the Word of God...we will believe it, and the stronger our faith becomes!
How can I have this faith?
(Speak the scripture passages (below and any)to hear them. Do this often to build faith.)

Decide daily to:
~ entrust the wilderness to God, because He will intervene on your behalf! (Psalm 12:5Psalm 72:4,14Jeremiah 50:34)
~ believe that Father is in the midst of the wilderness with you!  (Matthew 28:17-20; Isaiah 46:3-5)
~ possess His unconditionalstrong and enduring love. (Romans 8:33-39) 
~ take God at His Word, He is Truth & He is Faithful!  (Matthew 6:26-34Isaiah32:16-20; Psalm 18:30).                               
"Give unto the LORD the glory due unto His name: bring an offering, and come before Him: worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness." 1Chronicles 16:29

Wisdom Applied:
(i) Approach the Bible with a decision to believe what God teaches (Isaiah 43:10); Read scripture often, speak scripture often to hear scripture often. 
(ii) Pray and ask God by His Holy Spirit (John 12:26)to help us to believe and apply the read, spoken and heard Word of God to our life - He will! 
(iii) Hold fast to what you've learned to be true from the Word of God (Philippians 2:14-16); not allowing doubt or fear to snatch away your peace...until God's Word comes to past in your wilderness.
(iv) Meanwhile keep trusting, and worshiping God for all that He is doing on your behalf! (1Chronicles 16:29)
"Justice will rule in the wilderness, and righteousness in the fertile field." Isaiah 32:16

But worship, seriously? How do we worship God when hurting or afraid?   In Part 3 of our study, we'll review what the Bible beautifully illustrates about this powerful expression of love called Worship.

God bless & keep you encouraged beloved. Am hoping you are blessed by this study.
Always praying with/for you,